Online Personal Training

Let me guess… You’ve downloaded every fitness app in the App Store, watched YouTube dumbbell workout video and still haven’t seen the results you want.

It always seems so appealing to start a home fitness routine, right?

I have some hard truths for you that the wider fitness industry doesn’t want you to know: cheap (or even free) programs hardly ever work.


They’re not personalised for you and don’t provide accountability!

My focus is to get you results!

If you’ve given an online fitness training program a go but have come to the realisation that you need a bit more of a structured plan in place (and someone to check up on you and cheer you on!), this is the place for you.

How I help you

There’s no point signing up to a program demanding 45 minutes of your time 4 days a week if that’s just not going to work for you.

That’s why we will begin with an initial 1 hour assessment where I will learn more about YOU! We’ll chat about everything from where you’re at (truly) and what injuries or limitations you’ve had, to what you do for a living, your sleep and food patterns and where you’d like to get with your training program.

We’ll also do a movement screen and postural analysis (via video link) so I can see where any restrictions appear in your body. I can then design a personalised training program so you feel comfortable in doing each movement and exercise correctly.

I want this program to fit around YOUR LIFE (whether that’s 10 minutes each morning or an hour a few times a week), to set you up for success from the start.

You’ll also have access to my Fitness Faster private Facebook group where you will see hundreds of videos for complementary activities such as yoga, meditations, workouts and coaching videos on stress, sleep, weight loss, muscle recovery, stretching, hormones and more.

What to expect

Once your personalised program has been written up, it will be delivered to you through my Personal Training app which can be downloaded FREE from any app store! I’ll be able to track your progress through the app (providing you with that much needed accountability) as well as make sure the workouts are appropriate, varied and challenging to help you achieve your goals.

You’ll then catch up with me either weekly or monthly – depending on your preferred schedule – so that you can stay motivated and any adjustments can be made.

How to get started?

Simple! Just click the link below to schedule a 15 minute obligation free call with me.


Not sure where to start and want some custom advice on what’s going to be best for you?